The Organization
The following churches associations co-orperate fully in the work of the Convention.
(1) The Hpa-an Mawlamyaing Karen Baptist Association.
(2) The Pathein Myaungmya Sgaw Karen Baptist Association.
(3) The Yangon Home Mission Karen Baptist Association.
(4) The Hinthada Karen Baptist Association.
(5) The Shwegyin Karen Baptist Association.
(6) The Toungoo Paku Karen Baptist Association.
(7) The Toungoo Thandawn Bwe Moh Bwa Karen Baptist
(8) The Dawei Myeik Karen Baptist Association.
(9) The Toungoo Kehko Kehbah Karen Baptist Association.
(10) The Pyi Thayawady Karen Baptist Association.
(11) The Kayah Moh Bwa Baptist Association
(12) The Hpa-pun Karen Baptist Association.
(13) The Nyaunglebin Karen Baptist Association.
(14) The Upper Myanmar Karen Baptist Association.
(15) The Myaungmya Sgaw Karen Baptist Association.
(16) The Myeik Karen Baptist Association.
(17) The Kayah Poo Baptist Association.
(18) The Bago-Yangon Baptist Association